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Creating an Environment Fit for Learning


Though academic libraries should be the home to learning, many prove to be dysfunctional or inadequate for this purpose. In order to create the right environment there are a few simple guidelines to help. Firstly, a library should be built on its missions, goals, and objectives. For example, when libraries become too crowded with too many different sections it can make it hard for people to focus on what they are trying to accomplish. The next must, is qualified staff. Without the assistance of a librarian, research would not be understood or catalogued. Access to physical as well as virtual collections and or resources is also very important. The larger the amount of information, the greater the opportunity for learning. Sufficient funding can be a determinate factor in the success of the library and its patrons. Without enough support, none of the guidelines may be completed to their maximum extent. Guidelines, policies, and procedures can also be important when creating a library as without them it would be complete chaos. Along with funding, comes keeping the facilities in good condition. Students deserve a place that they will be able to learn and grow in. The staff must also be able to reach out to the community. It is important that the staff has good connections with other libraries or organizations. Relating to parents or school run organizations can be another way to promote the library. One of the most important jobs of a school librarian is to be able to aid teachers with projects they plan to assign, finding them resources, or even just teaching them simple library skills.

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