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What is research?


The term research cannot be narrowed down to just one activity, as it is simply to seek or to find out. In order to do proper research of a topic, you must question, hypothesize, plan, observe, analyze, validate, and then generate new knowledge. Research is important because of the benefits it provides. It can lead to further exploration, the questioning of unethical practices, or even just expand your knowledge. Once research has been gained, verfication is very important in proving it. The verification process for finding the truth often consists of Kant's method of experience and reasoning combined. For many, many years research has been an activity done by everyone. Now, in the information era, it seems hard to believe that there are still barriers that stop some people from researching. Libraries were created to help give everyone access to information and the task of research, while breaking down the barriers. To find out more about the process of research click here:

The Process of Research
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