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The Process of Research


Research entails many activities, as was explained in the page What is research?, but over the years the process has been refined. Here is just an example process created with the help of much research through the books found on the print resources page.


Step 1: Choose a topic - Browse through the research of others and find ideas that you want to look into further. Often many people find a broad topic, and then create several sub-categories of that topic that seem interesting.


Step 2: Create a question - From your previous browsing, determine what question you think should be addressed from your topic.


Step 3: Make a plan - Determine how you will be able to answer your question, whether through experiments, interviewing, observing a phenomenon, or analyzing the research of others.


Step 4: Find your resources - Based off of the strategy you pick, identify what you will need to complete the tasks, whether it is books, a camera, or even certain chemicals.


Step 5: Evaluate your resources - Verify that all of the resources or materials that will be used in the process are credible.


Step 6: Observe - Once it comes time to begin the research, make sure all of the notes or recordings done are thorough.


Step 7: Analyze - Create well thought out conclusions based on the information learned during observations.


Step 8: Combine Conclusions - Collect all of your conclusions and create one final form of media that showcases your research. Examples are books, guides, slide show presentations, or even movies.


Step 9: Present - Once you have put the finishing touches on your product, don't be afraid to present! Remember, you worked hard to come this far.


Step 10: Give credit where it is due - Don't forget to recognize the resources and people that helped you to create your final product.



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